
We partner with Rebellion Photonics, USA (RP), to provide advanced gas detection/ imaging technologies, which have many advantages over the ones currently available in the market. This allows our clients to achieve a higher return on investment and a much better efficiency. Some of the key advantages of our cameras can be summarized as follows:
Coverage: while most cameras available in the market have a coverage range of several meters, the range of our cameras is 1700 m and therefore, can replace a huge number of traditional cameras.
Maintenance & Calibration: RP cameras are the only self-calibrating cameras in this category and have minimal technical defects &maintenance fees.
Endurance: Rugged cameras that can be used both indoors as well as outdoors.
Accuracy: RP cameras reach accuracy as high as 97% after initial calibration and could come close to this accuracy even before calibration.
RP is the only imaging camera that can both image and quantify gas leaks at the same time.No false alarms!
Vehicle-mounted: Can monitor large areas in a timely fashion and with high precision
Awards and prizes granted to RP technology:
2013 Wall Street Journal Startup of the Year
2012 R&D 100 Award
2011 Prism Award Finalist
2010 Goradia Innovation Prize